Audit Log Plugin for CakePHP

Records changes made to an object during CRUD operations.

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A logging plugin for CakePHP. The included AuditableBehavior creates an audit history for each instance of a model to which it's attached.

The behavior tracks changes on two levels. It takes a snapshot of the fully hydrated object after a change is complete and it also records each individual change in the case of an update action.



CakePHP >= 2.0

As an Archive

  1. Download and extract the source to app/Plugin/AuditLog.

As a Submodule

  1. $ git submodule add git:// <path_to>/app/Plugin/AuditLog
  2. $ git submodule init
  3. $ git submodule update

Via composer

  1. add into your composer "require": { "imsamurai/audit-log": "1.1.*", }
  2. composer update

To create tables you can use schema shell. To create tables execute:

cd <path_to>/app/
chmod +x ./Console/cake
./Console/cake schema create -p AuditLog

CakePHP 1.3.x

For use with CakePHP 1.3.x, be sure to use code from the 1.3 branch and follow the instructions in that README file (NOT MAINTAINED).

Next Steps

  1. Run the install.sql file on your CakePHP application database or use schema. This will create the audits and audit_deltas tables that will store each object's relevant change history.
  2. Add plugin into bootstrap.php

    CakePlugin::load('AuditLog', array('bootstrap' => true));
  3. Create a currentUser() method, if desired.

    The AuditableBehavior optionally allows each changeset to be "owned" by a "source" -- typically the user responsible for the change. Since user and authentication models vary widely, the behavior supports a callback method that should return the value to be stored as the source of the change, if any.

    The currentUser() method must be available to every model that cares to track a source of changes, so I recommend that a copy of CakePHP's app_model.php file be created and the method added there. Keep it DRY, right?

    The behavior expects the currentUser() method to return an associative array with an id key. Continuing from the example above, the following code might appear in the AppModel:

    public function currentUser() {
      return AuthComponent::user();
  4. Attach the behavior to any desired model and configure.



Applying the AuditableBehavior to a model is essentially the same as applying any other CakePHP behavior. The behavior does offer a few configuration options:

An array of property names to be ignored when records are created in the deltas table.
An array of models that have a HABTM relationship with the acting model and whose changes should be monitored with the model. If the HABTM model is auditable in its own right, don't include it here. This option is for related models whose changes are _only_ tracked relative to the acting model.



# Simple syntax accepting default options
class Task extends AppModel {
    public $actsAs = array( 'AuditLog.Auditable' );

    # Additional model code.

# Syntax with explicit options
class Task extends AppModel {
    public $actsAs = array(
        'AuditLog.Auditable' => array(
            'ignore' => array( 'active', 'name', 'updated' ),
            'habtm'  => array( 'Type', 'Project' )

    # Additional model code.



This code is licensed under the MIT license.


Feel free to submit bug reports or suggest improvements in a ticket or fork this project and improve upon it yourself. Contributions welcome.


